Esther Dumas

Esther Dumas, view from Reid Hall's second garden, ca. 1928, woodblock print. RH archives

Esther Dumas, view from Reid Hall's second garden, ca. 1928, woodblock print. RH archives
The above print, which appeared in black and white on the 1931 reprint of Dorothy Louise Mackay's article, "Reid Hall, a Relic of Old Paris," was used for the cover of Reid Hall's first brochure, and adorned numerous invitation cards.
Dumas is mentioned in the Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Managers of the American University Women’s Paris Club, January 13, 1928: "Miss Gildersleeve showed a poster, designed by Mlle Esther Dumas, which seemed a good form of publicity for general use. The motion was made and carried that a vote of appreciation and thanks be sent to Mlle Dumas" (RH Archives).
No other information on Dumas has surfaced.

Brochure advertising Reid Hall in Paris, c. 1928. Smith Archives.